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2000-2001 Catalog

Health Care
Patient Care Technician (5707)

Vocational Certificate Program

The patient care technician program is a cluster of planned, sequenced instruction designed to prepare a cross-trained, unlicensed health care worker. With multiple exit points, the program consists of the following components: health careers core, nursing assistant, home health aide, patient care assistant, electrocardiograph aide, phlebotomist, allied health assistant, and patient care technician. Students are prepared to function as advanced patient care givers under the supervision of the registered nurse.

The health careers core is a prerequisite for all other components of this program. Following the core, each component must be completed sequentially, through the patient care assistant course. The electrocardiograph, phlebotomist and allied health assistant courses can be taken in any sequence. All courses must be completed in order to enroll in the patient care technician course. This program expands the traditional role of the nursing assistant, providing a broad foundation of knowledge and skills to be applied to the care of the patients in hospitals, nursing homes, and in their homes. For information call 766-6581

Professional Courses
Course Number and Title
Contact Hours
*VPI 0100 Reading Skills
*VPI 0200 Mathematical Skills
*VPI 0300 Language Skills
**HCP 0605 Health Careers Core 
HCP 0102C Nursing Assistant 
HCP 0312 Home Health Aide B
HCP 0311 Home Health Aide A 
HCP 0400 Patient Care Assistant 
HCP 0401 Electrocardiograph Aide 
HCP 0402 Phlebotomist 
HCP 0760 Allied Health Assistant 
***HCP 0790 Patient Care Technician 

*Students who have satisfactory test scores are not required to take these courses.
**HCP 0605, Health Careers Core must be taken before entering any of the modules. 
***All courses must be completed prior to enrolling in this course.
Health Care | Catalog Contents