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2001-2002 Catalog

Health Care
Surgical Technology (5667)

Vocational Certificate Program


The object of this program is to prepare students for a career as members of the surgical team in the operating room under the direct supervision of professional nurses and surgeons. The instruction includes a combination of classroom studies, classroom lab practice, and clinical experience in the perioperative arena (operating room, pre- and post-anesthesia care and labor and delivery) which prepares students to assist members of the surgical team (surgeons, anesthesiologists, nurses and surgical technologists). Upon successful completion of the program, students are qualified to take a National Certifying Examination to become a Certified Surgical Technologist (CST). Particular emphasis is placed upon the skills involved in scrubbing and circulating a wide variety of surgical procedures and the preparation and maintenance of sterilized and unsterilized supplies.


Surgical technology is a selective access program. The program admits students once a year in the fall term. Admission to this program is limited and is based on academic performance and other criteria. Applicants must be at least 17 years of age and have earned a high school diploma or high school equivalency degree.

An application for admission to the program must include the following:

  1. an application to the surgical technology program,
  2. a high school completion transcript or copy of GED® test scores, and
  3. scores for the required pre-entrance test (A level-TABE), (test is scheduled through the North Campus assessment and certification center, 713-6014).
  4. a current Basic Life Support (CPR) certificate (eight-hour course) adult, child and infant.
For information call 766-6581.

Professional Courses
Course Number and Title
Contact Hours
*VPI 0100 Reading Skills
*VPI 0200 Mathematical Skills
*VPI 0300 Language Skills
STS 0810 Surgical Technology I 
STS 0820 Surgical Technology II

*Students who have satisfactory test scores are not required to take these courses.

Health Care | Catalog Contents

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