
Rules, Regulations and Rights
Due Process Procedures
These procedures contain regulations for
dealing with alleged student violations of College standards of
conduct in a manner consistent with the requirements of due process.
It also contains descriptions of the standards of conduct to which
students must adhere and the penalties which may be imposed for
the violation of those standards.
Attendance at FCCJ is a privilege and in order to maintain the College
ideals of scholarship, character and a commitment to excellence,
the right is reserved by the College to establish rules and regulations
to further these ideals which require student compliance for the
welfare of the College community. These rules and regulations are
found in Board Rule 6Hx7-11.1. It is the intent of the College that
students understand that individual rights involve associated responsibilities
and that individual rights must be viewed in relationship to the
health, safety and welfare of the College community.
Students enrolled in any degree, diploma or certificate program
are subject to federal and state laws, respective county and city
ordinances and all rules and regulations of the College.
Student Academic Dishonesty Procedure
Academic dishonesty is considered a serious
offense and is expressly prohibited. THIS POLICY INCLUDES ALL COURSE
CPT, CLAST, CAT). Such dishonesty includes:
- cheating, which is defined as the giving
or taking of any information or material with the intent of
wrongfully aiding oneself or another in academic work considered
in the determination of a course grade or the outcome of a standardized
- plagiarism, which is defined as the act of
stealing or passing off as ones own work the words, ideas
or conclusions of another as if the work submitted were the
product of ones own thinking rather than an idea or product
derived from another source, or
- any other form of inappropriate behavior
which may include but is not limited to falsifying records or
data, lying, unauthorized copying, tampering, abusing or otherwise
unethically using computer or other stored information, and
any other act or misconduct which may reasonably be deemed to
be a part of this heading.
Any student alleged to have committed
any act of academic dishonesty as defined herein, shall be entitled
to due process as defined in District Board of Trustees Rule 6Hx7-2.18,
prior to the administration of disciplinary action including suspension
and dismissal.
Student Discipline Procedures
Violations of published laws, ordinances
or rules and regulations may subject violators to appropriate
disciplinary action by the College authorities.
Prior to any disciplinary actions taken, students are entitled
to procedural due process. This means that students shall be provided:
- reasonable notice of the charges,
- a general time frame for resolution, and
- an opportunity to present their side of the
Disciplinary action, unless otherwise
provided by law, may include fines, the withholding of diplomas,
certificates or transcripts (pending compliance with rules or
payment of fines), restitution, warning, and/or the imposition
of probation, suspension or permanent dismissal.
The College President, vice president, campus president or an
appropriate designated College officer may without a hearing temporarily
order the removal from College property of individuals charged
with a suspendible offense that is deemed to present a clear and
present danger to the welfare of the College. Students ordered
removed will be required to remain off College property until
a hearing is provided regarding the matter. In the event of the
temporary removal, a written notice of a hearing to be held within
10 days of the date of the letter will be mailed (certified mail,
return upon receipt requested) to the individual.
The following violations of the code of conduct are outlined in
the District Board of Trustees Rules.
Any act or behavior on the part of the student which tends to
interfere with or otherwise disturb the orderly conduct, processes,
functions and/or interests of the College is expressly prohibited.
Such acts or behavior may include but are not limited to consumption
of alcoholic beverages on campus or at a College function, illegal
use or possession of drugs or narcotics, cheating in any form,
sexual harassment, the use of indecent or abusive language, gambling,
hazing as defined in Chapter 240.326, Florida Statutes, vandalism
or destruction of property, falsification of records or statements
to the College, unauthorized use of the College name, lewd or
indecent conduct, violence against any member or guest of the
College community, theft or willful destruction of College property
or of the property of members of the College, interference with
the freedom of movement of any member or guest of the College,
obstruction of the normal processes and activities of the College
community, deliberate interference with the rights of others,
violation of a federal or state law, a county or city ordinance,
repeated offenses of a less serious nature or any other offense
reasonably deemed to be contrary to the best interest of the College.
All alleged student violations of the Board of Trustees Rules
of the College are referred to the office of the campus student
affairs dean. Any administrator, faculty member, guest of the
College, law enforcement official or student may allege a violation
against any student.
The student affairs deans on each campus
will represent the associate vice president of student affairs
in matters of student rights and responsibilities to ensure fair
treatment of students, adherence to principles of due process
and the timely resolution of all matters.
Guidelines for procedural due process are available in the campus
dean of student affairs office. Students who have questions or
are in need of assistance should contact the student affairs dean
on their respective campus.
Every reasonable attempt should be made
to informally resolve any dispute between students and the College
at the level at which the dispute arises. Recognizing that such
matters cannot always be resolved informally, FCCJ provides a
formal process through which students can appeal the application
of certain College rules and regulations and the assignment of
final grades. In all cases, it is the intent of the College to
assure the fair and equitable treatment of students.
Students wishing to initiate a formal appeal should contact the
campus dean of student affairs office. That office will provide
the information and guidance necessary to initiate a student appeal.
The College reserves the right to suspend,
terminate or retroactively cancel the enrollment of students for
disciplinary reasons.
Grievance procedures are provided for students
who believe that they have been unlawfully discriminated against,
unfairly treated or sexually harassed.
Appeals handled through the
student appeals process are excluded from the grievance process.
Such grievances shall be handled as follows:
- Complaints against College employees shall
first be directed to the employee alleged to have caused the
complaint within six months following the alleged incident.
In the case of alleged sexual harassment, students shall first
discuss the complaint with the campus dean of student affairs.
(If appropriate, the dean may designate another individual to
discuss the matter with students.)
- If the complaint cannot be resolved informally,
then students shall present a formal grievance in writing to
the campus dean of student affairs. This shall be done within
15 working days following verbal response from the College staff
- The campus dean of student affairs shall
conduct a preliminary investigation and resolve the concern,
if possible. If the charge is of a serious nature, the campus
dean of student affairs will discuss the charge with the campus
president and, if appropriate, the College counsel. Depending
on the nature of the charge, the campus president will, after
consultation with College counsel and the associate director
of human resources, establish a process for resolving the issue.
Care will be taken to guarantee that the matter is resolved
equitably and that the due process rights of those involved
are protected.
- The recommendation resulting from the review
process shall be submitted to the College President, who will
render a final decision in a timely manner.
Student Appeals Procedures:
Florida Community College is committed
to prompt and fair resolution of students concerns. The Student
Appeals Procedure is the vehicle to resolving issues through mediation.
The purpose of this procedure is to resolve student grievances
pertaining to academic issues or other issues resulting from actions
of faculty, staff and administrative members.
A student who feels he/she has a grievance should first seek to
resolve the complaints by discussion with the specific faculty,
staff or administrative member involved. A demonstration of good
faith by all parties in attempting to resolve complaints should
be paramount. If this fails to resolve the issue, the student
may file a formal grievance. A student may discontinue the grievance
process anytime.
Student Grievances MUST be filed on the campus where the alleged
violation/dispute occurred.
Students having grievances should utilize the following guidelines:
Academic Grievance
An academic grievance relates to a complaint
about a course or a program of study. Student academic grievances
should first be referred to the campus Dean for Student Success
or his/her designee. The campus Dean for Student Success or his/her
designee, shall guide the student through the grievance process.
Step 1 - Informal Procedure
A student who has a complaint is first
expected to resolve the complaint informally. The student should
discuss his/her problem with the faculty or staff members involved
and try to reach a mutually agreeable solution no later than
first fifteen (15) class days of the academic term immediately
following the term in which the alleged grievance occurred.
submitted after that date will not be considered. Upon notification
of a complaint by the student, the faculty or staff member must
meet with the student to discuss the complaint within ten (10)
class days. In the event the faculty member refuses to meet
the student, the student shall meet with the appropriate Department
Head. If the Department Head refuses to meet with the student,
the grievance process will immediately move to the Formal
Procedure, Step 2.
Step 2 - Formal Procedure
- A formal grievance must be filed within ten
(10) class days from the time of the conclusion of the Informal
Procedure (Step 1),
- The student will submit his/her grievance,
in writing to the Dean of Liberal Arts or Workforce Development.
Upon receipt of the grievance, the Dean will review the facts
of the grievance and may conduct further inquiry. The Dean has
ten (10) class days after receipt of the grievance to notify
the student of his/her decision in writing.
- If the Dean does not render a decision satisfactory
to the student, the student may file a written appeal to the
Campus Executive Dean within ten (10) class days of the Deans
decision. The Executive Dean will submit the grievance to the
Campus Appeals Committee within ten (10) class days, for consideration.
- The following rules will apply:
- The Campus Appeals Committee shall hear
the case and forward its decision to the Campus President.
- The hearing will be conducted by the
Committee in an informal and expeditious manner.
- The Committee will be provided with all
prior relevant documents from both sides and may request
additional information and/or seek further witnesses.
- Only committee members, parties to the
action and their advisors, selected by the student filing
the grievance or the faculty member against whom the grievance
is being filed, (drawn from among the student, faculty,
and staff of the College) and witnesses testifying before
the Committee shall be permitted in the hearing.
- At the hearing, the student, the defendant,
and witnesses for each party may testify, and may be questioned
by committee members. The student and faculty/staff involved
may ask questions only through the Committee, which will
decide whether the questions are appropriate.
- The Committee is empowered to rule on
procedural matters and relevance of witnesses and/or evidence.
- All hearings will begin within ten (10)
class days from the time the Committee receives the grievance
from the Executive Dean.
- A tape recording or other record of the
hearing shall be preserved for reference and review until
the case has been finally resolved.
- The Campus Appeals Committee shall arrive
at a decision after all evidence has been heard and the parties
have been dismissed. Only committee members who have been present
for the entire hearing may vote on the case.
- A majority vote of qualified members shall
constitute a judgment.
- The Campus Appeals Committee shall render
a decision and forward the decision on to the Campus President.
The Campus President shall review the decision of the Committee.
The Campus President may accept, repeal, or amend the decision
according to his/her best judgment. The actions of the Campus
President shall occur within ten (10) class days of receipt
of the decision by the Campus Appeals Committee. The decision
of the Campus President cannot be appealed and is final.
Other Student Grievances
Any problem that occurs outside of a problem
with a course(s) which is not related to the students program
of study constitutes non-academic grievances. This
includes financial aid concerns. Student non-academic grievances
should first be referred to the Campus Dean for Student Success
or his/her designee. The campus Dean for Student Success or his/her
designee shall guide the student through the informal and formal
grievance process. In the event the campus Dean for Student Success
is a party of the student grievance, the campus Executive Dean
shall appoint another professional staff member to serve as a
guide for the informal and formal grievance process.
Step 1 - Informal Procedure
A student who has a complaint is first
expected to resolve the complaint informally. The student should
discuss his/her problem with the faculty, staff member, or student(s)
involved and try to reach a mutually agreeable solution no later
than the first fifteen (15) class days of the academic term immediately
following the term in which the alleged grievance occurred. Grievances
submitted after that date will not be considered. Upon notification
of a complaint by the student, the faculty or staff member must
meet with the student to discuss the complaint within ten (10)
class days. In the event the faculty or staff member refuses to
meet with the student, the student shall meet with the appropriate
Department Head. If the Department Head refuses to meet with the
student, the grievance process will immediately move to the Formal
Procedure, Step 2.
Step 2 - Formal Procedure
- A formal grievance must be filed within ten
(10) class days from the time of the conclusion of the Informal
Procedure (Step 1).
- The student will submit his/her grievance
in writing to the Campus Dean for Student Success. Upon receipt
of the grievance, the Campus Dean for Student Success will review
the facts of the grievance and may conduct further inquiry.
The Dean has ten (10) class days after receipt of the grievance
to notify the student of his/her decision in writing.