Special Academic Programs
The Honors Academy
The Florida Community College Honors Academy
is designed to attract highly motivated and talented students
who are challenged by an intellectually stimulating academic
program of study and have demonstrated through their academic
pursuits, an ability to achieve academic excellence.
The goals of the Honors Academy are:
- To serve the needs of students motivated to excel in both
academic studies and leadership development;
- To offer intellectual development and leadership skills-building
experiences that integrate academic, extra-curricular and service
activities; and
- To achieve greater academic satisfaction, social integration
and sense of belonging among students.
The Honors Academy offers students the opportunity to be a part
of an academic environment that is intentionally designed to
foster academic excellence. Students have the opportunity to
enroll in stimulating designated Honors courses with exceptional
faculty and other outstanding students.
Students who have a weighted average GPA of 3.5 in high school
or who have a cumulative GPA of 3.5 after 12 semester hours of
college level courses may apply for admittance into the Honors
Academy. Students admitted into the Honors Academy must register
for the Honors Colloquia (one credit hour) and the Honors seminar
(two credit hours) and maintain a GPA of 3.5 or higher.
Each term the Honors Academy will offer courses that are populated
by exceptional students and taught by faculty members dedicated
to actively involving students in enriched classes.
The Honors Academy also offers:
- An Honors colloquium that focuses on
values, team building, critical thinking, leadership, creativity
and innovation and other interesting
- An interdisciplinary Honors seminar,
- Special designation on diplomas and transcripts,
- Special Honors Academy graduation ceremony,
- Special Honors Academy learning and study centers,
- Excellent teachers and innovative instructors,
- Issuance of a special Honors Academy medallion, and
- Trips to honors conferences.
There are three different scholarships open to honors students.
One is for entering freshmen, based on high school performance.
The others are open to Florida Community College students who
have achieved academic excellence in college. These scholarships
cover the cost of tuition, books and other incidental expenses.
The Academic Achievement Scholarship is for entering college
students who achieved a 3.5 grade point average in high school
in an academic curriculum and who are recommended by their
high school principal or counselor. The scholarship may be
for a second year based on academic performance at Florida
Community College.
The Scholars Award is for students who have completed 12 hours
of coursework at Florida Community College and have maintained
at least a 3.5 grade point average.
The Part-Time Scholars Award is for students who have completed
36 college credit hours and have maintained a 3.5 grade point
For more information call the Honors Academy representative
on any campus or the Honors Academy office at 904.381.3709.
Distance Learning Programs
For many students today time to attend traditional
college classes is a luxury they cannot afford. Family, work,
and personal responsibilities often take first priority for time
and become a barrier to traditional educational opportunities.
To meet the needs of these students, Florida Community College
offers a variety of alternative learning opportunities that require
minimal or no attendance at site-based classes and/or testing.
Online courses are offered via the Internet,
enabling students to study and participate in the virtual class
at times convenient to their personal schedule. Students and
teachers communicate via e-mail, discussion boards (for asynchronous
communication) and live chat rooms.
Students must be self-disciplined and motivated to succeed in
online learning. A sound computer and Internet browser are necessary
to successfully navigate the course management system utilized
for online courses. Current versions of Netscape Navigator or
Internet Explorer, an e-mail account provided by the College,
Windows 95 or newer version, and virus-checking software are
all essential components for
students to enroll in online courses. For additional information
about online learning, visit the Florida Community College Distance
Learning Web site or
telephone the Learner Support Center for advisement and information
In a telecourse, the course materials are provided on a series
of 30-minute to one-hour videotaped lessons or combinations
of video and audio lessons. These videos are used in conjunction
with textbook and study guide materials. Multiple options are
available for students to access the video content. Cable television
cablecasts the telecourse videos on Cable Channel 26 in Duval,
Callahan, Clay and St. John’s counties, as well as Fernandina
Beach. Full sets of the telecourse videos are available for viewing
at Florida Community College libraries on each campus. Students
can rent full sets of the videos from RMI. For detailed rental
information, call RMI at 800.745.5480 or at www.rmimedia.com.
Many telecourses are available on Direct TV, Channel 377 and
Dish Network, Channel 9402, through the PBS YOU program service.
Check the PBS YOU Web site for course listings and times, or
check your satellite directory.
Some telecourses may require on-campus meetings for orientation,
testing and/or review sessions.
Advisement information is accessible by calling the Learner Support
Center for advisement and information at 904.646.2300.
Some video-based telecourses provide the video content of the
courses on CDs. Students purchase the CDs along with their
textbooks and study guides.
Military Programs
Florida Community College students interested in a commission
as an officer in the United States Navy or the United States
Marine Corps may enroll in the basic NROTC College program and
take naval science courses at Jacksonville University. Students
who successfully complete the basic course are eligible to enter
the advanced program at any university that offers NROTC. Students
in the basic course may also be eligible for selection to the
NROTC scholarship program. For information contact the Navy ROTC
office at Jacksonville University at 904.744.3950, ext. 7480.
The Military Education Institute exists for the purpose of developing
and coordinating educational opportunities for military service
personnel, their family members and federal government employees
and local community residents at Jacksonville area military installations.
To accomplish this mission, the College provides:
- college credit courses with an
emphasis on the General Education Requirements offered at
each base during
traditional semester
terms and additional six-weeks terms,
- classes offered on base in a sequential program, enabling
enrollment throughout the year in the associate in arts, selected
associate in science, and associate in applied science programs,
- classes offered via distance learning in selected associate
in arts and associate in science programs, as a member of the
Navy College Program Distance Learning Partnership (NCPDLP),
U.S. Coast Guard SOCCOAST and SOCCOAST AFLOAT program, Army
National Guard Education Service Center Education Partner program,
- a full range of advising, registration and orientation services,
including placement testing,
- a liaison with Naval Recruiting
District Jacksonville in the Navy’s technical preparatory program. This program is designed
for dual enrolled high school students who are enlisted in the
Navy’s delayed entry program.
- a liaison with the military educational service officers
to assist students in the use of the military service financial
aid programs, and
- non-college credit courses for students desiring to upgrade
career and occupational skills or seeking personal enrichment.
- For information contact the Military
Education Institute by calling 904.633.8134 or 904.633.8406.
Global Studies Abroad/Extended Studies
Florida Community College sponsors a variety
of study/travel abroad courses offering college credit. These
courses are focused on certain aspects of selected foreign countries
and include field experiences, and on-site lectures and discussions.
Studying at a university in the foreign country is also a part
of some study/travel abroad courses.
Orientation meetings and structured classes designed to strengthen
educational experiences are held during the length of students’ enrollment
in the activity.
Class attendance and participation in the scheduled events of
the tours are mandatory. Regular admission policies of the College
must be followed to enroll in the courses. Students are expected
to pay their own transportation and other charges.
Global studies/travel abroad courses are offered based on student
interest and enrollment.
Examples of the countries of focus for previous study/travel
abroad courses include England, Greece, Italy, France and the
English As A Second Language (ESL)
Florida Community College has programs which
are specifically designed for non-native students whose first
language is not English. The academic ESL program is designed
for students who are preparing themselves for academic study
and who must develop native proficiency in the English language
to succeed in their coursework. In addition, non-native community
residents who have a high school diploma and want to increase
proficiency in English language skills through rigorous study
are eligible to enroll. Some exemptions apply to applicants who
do not yet have a high school diploma.
Prior to registration, students take a placement test to determine
which level of instruction is most appropriate. Based upon the
results of these placement test scores, students are assigned
to college preparatory studies (Level I) which is designated
by courses with the ESL prefix, Intermediate (Level II) or Advanced
Intermediate (Level III) courses, both of which are designated
with the ENS (English for non-native speakers) prefix. Each level
consists of courses in:
- reading/vocabulary,
- writing/composition,
- speaking/listening,
- structure/grammar and
- combined skills (designed for special program needs).
Level I classes are college preparatory classes, not intended
for transfer, counted for graduation or calculated in total
hours or in grade point average. Level II and Level III classes
not counted toward fulfilling the number of credits required
for a degree; however, if students test into these courses,
they are required to take these courses before enrolling
into non-ESL
college credit courses. Courses at each level involve 12
contact hours per week, which is a full course load. Students
may take
less than a full load of classes each term if desired.
English for Speakers of Other Languages
(ESOL) Non-Credit
The adult education non-credit ESOL program
offers classes for community residents whose native language
is not English and who desire to learn and improve their English
language skills in preparation for job placement. Instruction
is offered at six different levels, covering listening, speaking,
reading and writing skills from beginning to advanced. Instruction
including speaking, reading and writing skills are taught at
all levels. Before registration, students must be tested to determine
placement levels. Classes are held at the Downtown Campus during
the day and at Kent Campus and various high schools in the evening.
For testing and registration information contact the ESOL office,
Downtown Campus, at 904.633.8484.
Living and Learning in a Knowledge-Based
Many students have difficulty learning simply
because they have never learned certain basic study skills.
these skills by adding Strategies for Success in College, Career and Life (formerly Living and Learning in a Knowledge-Based
Economy) - SLS1103 to your schedule. You'll gain a unique advantage
in the classroom and in the workplace with the survival and success
skills taught in this course. Topics include goals and priorities,
maintaining commitment, teamwork and decision making, learning
skills, leadership styles and skills, and much more.
You'll find a tremendous amount of information
delivered in an active, engaging learning environment. Not only
will this class build your success skills for your college work,
it will also give you a foundation of behaviors, habits and skills
to succeed and thrive in the working world. Your desire to succeed
is the only prerequisite. See your advisor for further details
and information.
College Preparatory Courses
College preparatory studies provides special
courses and support services for those students who are in need
of further preparation in writing, reading and mathematics.
Through the course placement testing program or additional assessment,
students who are identified as in need of further preparation
will meet with a counselor to identify academic goals and the
best curriculum to follow in order to achieve these goals.
All college preparatory studies courses are considered to be
pre-college level. They are not intended for transfer, counted
for graduation or calculated in total hours or grade point average.
However, these courses will count as hours enrolled for financial
aid/veteran purposes, Social Security or other enrollment verifications.
These courses are identified as college preparatory studies courses
in the course description section.
The following college preparatory studies courses are designed
to bring students’ skills to the minimum college entry
EAP 0400 Speech/Listening
- Level IV
EAP 0420 Reading - Level IV
EAP 0440 Writing - Level IV
EAP 0460 Structure - Level IV
EAP 0480 Combined Skills
ENC 0001 Introduction to Composition A
ENC 0021 Introduction to Composition B |
MAT 0002 Basic Mathematics
MAT 0024 Elementary Algebra
REA 0006 Basic Reading Skills
REA 0008 Reading Skills
REA 0010 Introduction to Reading Techniques |
Students who test into one or more of these
college preparatory studies courses must successfully complete
the course(s) with a grade of “C” or better before
enrolling in college credit courses in that skill area.
Research has shown that students at Florida Community College
who are successful in college preparatory studies miss less than
four hours of class. The College has instituted an attendance
policy for all college preparatory classes. College preparatory
students should check the attendance policy in the course syllabus
of each college preparatory course taken.
Full-time students who test into ENC 0001 and REA 0006 must take
these two courses in their first term of enrollment. Full-time
students who test into ENC 0001, REA 0006 and MAT 0002 must take
all three of these courses in their first term of enrollment.
Part-time students are required to take these college preparatory
studies courses in the following order: reading, English and
Full-time students who test into either ENC 0021, REA 0008, REA
0010 and MAT 0002 or MAT 0024 must enroll in at least one of
these college preparatory studies courses each term until they
have completed all such required courses.
Part-time students who test into either ENC 0001, REA 0006 or
MAT 0002 must enroll in at least one of these courses each term
until they have completed these courses. Part-time students who
test into either ENC 0021, REA 0008, REA 0010 or MAT 0024, must
enroll in these courses by the time they have accumulated 12
hours of college credit coursework and must maintain continuous
enrollment in college preparatory coursework each semester until
the requirements are completed.
Students who officially withdraw from college
preparatory studies courses shall be considered enrolled that
semester for purposes of the two-term limitation rule. Students
may only have two attempts at a college preparatory studies course
and pay the in-state tuition rate. After two attempts, students
must pay the out-of-state tuition rate or may enroll in adult
education courses that provide an alternative to traditional
college preparatory instruction. Exceptions to this rule are
subject to the student appeals process. Previous attempts made
prior to Fall Term 1997 do not count toward the two-term limitation.
Students testing into remedial instruction may access alternative
private sources for this instruction.