Grading Systems
College Credit and Workforce Certificate
Grading Policies
The policy on attendance for college classes will be the responsibility of the professor, and the professor will fully inform students of such policy at the beginning of the term.
The faculty and staff at Florida Community College want you to succeed. Since studies indicate a positive relationship between good attendance and better grades, you are strongly encouraged to attend all classes and arrive on time.
- Individual instructors establish their own class attendance policies. Each instructor’s policy is included in the course materials distributed at the beginning of each term.
- It is your responsibility to understand and follow these policies and, if possible, to notify instructors in advance when it is necessary to miss a class.
- Any anticipated prolonged absences should be reported to instructors as soon as possible.
- If you stop attending class(es) for any reason, you should consult with your instructor(s) about possible withdrawal from the class(es).
Students may elect to audit a college credit course by completing the audit form. Students may not change from credit to audit or from audit to credit after the drop deadline. A grade of “X” will be assigned for all courses taken in
audit status.
No credit will be awarded and fees for college credit courses taken on an audit basis are the same as those taken on a college credit basis.
Courses taken for audit do not count as hours enrolled for the following areas: veteran certification, financial aid awards, Social Security certification, international student enrollment requirements or early admission program enrollment requirements.
Florida Community College’s grading system is designed to evaluate the performance of students as fairly and equitably as possible.
Letter grades will be assigned for courses as follows:
A |
= Excellent |
B |
= Good |
C |
= Average |
D |
= Poor |
F |
= Failure |
FN |
= Failure for Non–Attendance* |
W |
= Withdrawal |
I |
= Incomplete |
X |
= Audit |
NR |
= Not Reported by Instructor |
*The FN grade indicates that a student has failed a course due to non–attendance. It is calculated as an “F” in the student’s grade point average. For students receiving financial aid, failure for non–attendance may require the student to refund to the College all or part of his or her aid. The FN grade will be assigned by the faculty member at anytime following the final withdrawal date for the course. Students who are in a failing status because of non–attendance but return to the course prior to the withdrawal date may elect to withdraw from the course.
Students may repeat a course in an attempt to improve a grade previously earned. State Board Rule 6A–14.0301 limits such attempts to courses where a “D,” “F” or “FN” grade was earned, and limits to two the number of times a course grade may be forgiven. The official grade and the grade used in calculating the GPA shall be the last grade earned in the course.
A student may have only three total attempts in any course, including the original grade, repeat grades and withdrawals. Upon the third attempt in a course, the student must be given an “A,” “B,” “C,” “D” or “F.” A fourth attempt may be allowed only through an academic appeals process based on major extenuating circumstances.
Courses may be repeated if they are designated as repeatable through the curriculum process (e.g., certain music courses), or if they are required to be repeated by a regulatory agency, or are being repeated as part of a regulatory requirement for continuing education to stay current in a field, such as teacher certification. All courses attempted will appear on the transcript. The forgiveness policy does not apply to courses repeated after the term in which a degree was awarded. Students must be aware
that transfer institutions may treat repeated courses differently and that some forms of financial aid may be affected.
A student may withdraw without academic penalty at Florida Community College from any course up to the published withdrawal date. The assigned grade of “W” is not included in the calculation of any grade point average. Course(s) receiving a grade of “W” are included in attempted courses when determining a standard of academic progress. The student will be permitted to withdraw only in the first and second attempt. The student is not permitted to withdraw from the course upon the third attempt. Upon the third attempt a student must receive an “A,” “B,” “C,” “D,” “F” or “FN” grade for the course.
Students may request a withdrawal for extenuating circumstances after the session withdrawal date by requesting a grade change. The appropriate campus dean will make the decision after consulting with the faculty member(s). Requests for “W” grades after the end of a course constitutes a grade change and must follow the procedure for grade changes.
Withdrawal from a college preparatory class after the drop deadline constitutes one of two attempts to successfully exit that course. After the second attempt students will be advised into the appropriate adult studies course or alternative remediation.
To withdraw officially from one or more courses after the “drop with refund” deadline (withdrawal from all courses constitutes withdrawal from the College), students must follow one of these procedures.
- Obtain withdrawal form(s) from any campus enrollment services office.
- Students are strongly encouraged to contact their professor(s) before withdrawing.
- Submit the completed form to the office of enrollment services. Forms will also be accepted by fax.
- Students can complete withdrawal process through the Web registration system, Artemis, on or before the withdrawal deadline.
Students who receive Title IV Federal Aid and withdraw during the first 60 percent of the academic term will be subject to repayment terms as outlined by the federal agency from which the aid was awarded.
An “I” grade may be assigned at the instructor’s discretion upon request by the student to permit the student time to complete required course work which he/she was prevented from completing in a timely way due to non–academic reasons. The instructor may require the student to document the request to assist in the decision. The instructor may choose not to grant the request. The “I” grade should be considered only when the student has the potential to earn a passing grade if the missing work is made up.
The instructor shall prescribe in a written agreement with the student the remaining course work required for completion and removal of the “I” grade. A copy of this agreement will be kept on file in the office of the appropriate dean. All work must be completed within the first eight weeks of the subsequent term, unless the instructor agrees to a longer timeframe (not to exceed one year). When the work is completed, the instructor will submit a grade change form with the grade earned. If the work is not completed within the prescribed timeframe, the “I” will automatically change to an “F” grade. The student will be informed of the final grade assigned.
To be eligible for an “I” grade, the student must be passing the course at the time of the request, and must have completed at least 75% of the course work.
When students repeat a course at Florida Community College, only the last grade earned is calculated in their cumulative grade point average (GPA). However, students with an excessive number of “W,” “I” or “FN” grades and students who repeat courses to improve their GPA may jeopardize their admission to programs in the Florida State University System (SUS) or other institutions.
To evaluate the scholastic standing of students, the following points are assigned to grades.
A |
= four grade points per semester hour |
B |
= three grade points per semester hour |
C |
= two grade points per semester hour |
D |
= one grade point per semester hour |
F |
= zero grade points per semester hour |
FN |
= zero grade points per semester hour |
Students’ scholastic standing or grade point average is obtained by dividing the total number of grade points earned by the total number of semester hours attempted for which the foregoing grades have been assigned. Grades of “I,” “W,” “NR,” and “X” are not used in the computation of grade point average. Grades earned in college preparatory classes do not count in the computation of the grade point average.
Students who achieve academic excellence during a term are recognized by being placed on the College president’s or dean’s list. This is done at the completion of the fall and spring terms and in August for the summer terms. The criteria of eligibility for each list are listed below.
College President’s List
To qualify, students must have:
- a minimum enrollment of at least three credit hours (excluding college preparatory classes),
- a minimum of 12 credit hours earned at Florida Community College (excludes transfer work),
- a Florida Community College cumulative GPA of 3.0,
- a term GPA of 3.75–4.0 with no grade of “I,” “F,” “FN,” or “W,” and
- must be making satisfactory academic progress (see standards for student success).
Dean’s List
To qualify, students must have:
- a minimum enrollment of at least three credit hours (excluding college preparatory classes),
- a minimum of 12 credit hours earned at Florida Community College (excludes transfer work),
- a Florida Community College cumulative GPA of 2.5,
- a term GPA of 3.5–3.74 with no grade of “I,” “F,” “FN,” or “W,” and
- must be making satisfactory academic progress (see standards for student success).
Once a grade of “A,” “B,” “C,” “D,” “F,” “FN” or “NR” in a course has been reported to the registrar, it may be changed only:
- upon recommendation of the professor who assigned the grade with approval of the associate dean or program manager, or
- upon recommendation by the program manager or associate dean and approved by the campus instructional dean when the professor who assigned the grade is no longer a member of the faculty.
The “I” grade may be changed by the professor to “A,” “B,” “C,” “D,” “F” or “FN” within the time limits specified in the “I” grade agreement.
Continuing Workforce Education
The grading system is designed to evaluate the performance of a student as fairly and equitably as possible. Several continuing workforce education courses assign only “NG,” “S” or “W” grades. Letter grades will be assigned as follows.
“A” |
= Excellent |
“B” |
= Good |
“C” |
= Average |
“D” |
= Poor |
“F” |
= Failure |
“NG” |
= No grade |
“S” |
= Satisfactory |
“W” |
= Withdrawal |
High School Equivalency, Adult Basic Education (ABE), Vocational Preparatory Instruction (VPI), and English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL)
The grading system is designed to evaluate the performance of a student as fairly and equitably as possible. Letter grades will be assigned for courses as follows:
S |
= Satisfactory* |
U |
= Unsatisfactory** |
NG |
= No grade*** |
IW |
= Instructor–Initiated Withdrawal**** |
W |
= Withdrawal |
*This grade may only be awarded to a student who has successfully completed the appropriate ABE, VPI or ESOL course.
**The Unsatisfactory grade is awarded to a student who did not successfully complete the coursework and/or meet the attendance requirements.
***A student registered in an ABE, VPI or ESOL class who has not successfully completed the course will receive an “NG” (no grade). A student registered in a high school equivalency class who has not passed the appropriate portion(s) of the high school equivalency degreewill receive an “NG” (no grade).
****An instructor–initiated withdrawal grade of “IW” may be assigned by an Adult Studies instructor if prior to the withdrawal deadline a student has been absent for more than 15 percent of the scheduled classes in any given term and is making unsatisfactory progress. The “IW” grade is an optional grade and may be assigned only after a warning has been sent to the student. Faculty who intend to use this grade option must clearly state that intention in their course syllabi. A student may appeal an “IW” grade within ten (10) days of the withdrawal, by contacting the campus Adult Studies office.
All Florida Community College students are expected to maintain satisfactory academic progress toward the completion of their program credential. Standards of academic progress and requirements for students who do not comply with those standards are published on the College’s Web site.
The grading system is designed to evaluate the performance of a student as fairly and equitably as possible. Letter grades will be assigned for courses as follows:
A |
= 90 percent–100 percent |
B |
= 80 percent–89 percent |
C |
= 70 percent–79 percent |
D |
= 60 percent–69 percent |
F |
= Below 60 percent |
I |
= Incomplete**** |
IW |
= Instructor–Initiated Withdrawal*** |
NG |
= No grade* |
W |
= Withdrawal |
S |
= Satisfactory** |
*A student registered in a high school class who has not completed the course will receive an “NG” (no grade).
**This grade may be awarded only to a college preparatory student who has completed the requirements for the course.
***An instructor–initiated withdrawal grade of “IW” may be assigned by an Adult Studies instructor if prior to the withdrawal deadline a student has been absent for more than 15 percent of the scheduled classes in any given term and is making unsatisfactory progress. The “IW” grade is an optional grade and may be assigned only after a warning has been sent to the student. Faculty who intend to use this grade option must clearly state that intention in their course syllabi. A student may appeal an “IW” grade within ten (10) days of the withdrawal, by contacting the campus Adult Studies office.
****An “I” grade may be assigned only when extenuating circumstances prevent a student from completing the coursework during the regular term. To be eligible to receive an “I” grade, a student must have completed at least 75% of the coursework. The “I” grade may be changed by the instructor to “A,” “B,” “C,” “D” or “NG” within the first eight weeks of the subsequent term. The “I” grade is not computed for purposes of grade point average. The “I” grade is changed to an “F” after one year and GPA is recalculated.
****An “I” grade may be assigned only when extenuating circumstances prevent a student from completing the coursework during the regular term. To be eligible to receive an “I” grade, a student must have completed at least 75% of the coursework. The “I” grade may be changed by the instructor to “A,” “B,” “C,” “D” or “NG” within the first eight weeks of the subsequent term. The “I” grade is not computed for purposes of grade point average. The “I” grade is changed to an “F” after one year and GPA is recalculated.