As provided herein, requirements for admission to Florida Community College at Jacksonville shall be approved by the District Board of Trustees, shall be maintained in the College’s official curricular files, and shall be reflected in the College Catalog.
College Credit Programs
General admissions eligibility for college credit programs is as follows:
The individual must have earned a standard or college–ready high school diploma or the equivalency of a high school diploma.
The individual must be a U.S. citizen.
Individuals who have not graduated from high school may be admitted in any of the following cases.
Dual Enrollment: Individuals enrolled at a public or private high school or home school may be admitted if they meet the dual enrollment requirements in accordance with state statute and rules.
Limited Special Admission: Individuals enrolled at a public or private high school or home school may enroll for no more than 12 hours of college credit coursework with parental consent. Students enrolling under this provision must be qualified for college level coursework by assessment and are responsible for all tuition and fees.
Collaborative Academic Programs: Non–high school graduates may be admitted for participation in collaborative academic programs at the discretion of the College administration.
Statutorily Required: Individuals who are eligible for admission under Florida Statute will be admitted.
Individuals who are not U.S. citizens may be admitted if they meet the high school graduation criteria and if they are in full compliance with all federal immigration rules.
Selective Admissions: Some college credit programs have additional admissions requirements as established by the College administration.
Workforce Certificate Programs
General admissions eligibility for Workforce Certificate programs is as follows:
The individual must be 18 years of age or older.
The individual must be a U.S. citizen.
United States citizens under the age of 18 who have earned a high school completion credential may be admitted to Workforce Certificate programs.
United States citizens under the age of 18 who have not earned a high school completion credential may be admitted to Workforce Certificate programs with confirmation from all high schools attended that the individual has not been found guilty of any of the following offenses:
Distribution of drugs
Simple battery upon school employees or agents
Burglary of school property
Criminal mischief or vandalism
Possession of weapons or dangerous objects
Indecent public conduct
Battery upon another student resulting in bodily harm
Inciting or participating in a major student disorder
Commission of any felony
Individuals currently attending a public or private high school or home school also may be admitted as dual enrollment students if they meet the dual enrollment requirements in accordance with state statute and rules.
Individuals who are not U.S. citizens may be admitted if they are at least 18 years old and in full compliance with all federal immigration rules.
Selective Admissions: Some Workforce Certificate programs have additional admissions requirements as established by the College administration.
Adult Education Programs
General admissions eligibility for adult education programs is as follows:
The individual must be 18 years of age or older.
The individual must be a U.S. citizen.
United States citizens under the age of 18 may be admitted to the adult basic education, English for speakers of other languages, vocational preparation instruction and the high school equivalency programs with consent from their parent or legal guardian and with confirmation from all high schools attended that the individual has not been found guilty of any of the following offenses:
Distribution of drugs
Simple battery upon school employees or agents
Burglary of school property
Criminal mischief or vandalism
Possession of weapons or dangerous objects
Indecent public conduct
Battery upon another student resulting in bodily harm
Inciting or participating in a major student disorder
Commission of any felony
Collaborative Academic Programs: minors may
be admitted for participation in collaborative academic programs at the discretion of the College administration.
Individuals who are not U.S. citizens may be admitted if they are at least 18 years old and in full compliance with all federal immigration rules.
Continuing Education Courses
All individuals 18 or older are eligible to participate in Continuing Education courses. Minors may be allowed to participate at the discretion of College administration.