![Florida Community College 2006-07 Catalog](/catalogs/2006_2007/images/catalog.gif)
Degree and Certificate Programs
The Associate in Science and Associate
in Applied Science Degree
Preparation for a Career
Career and technical education programs are
designed to prepare students who, at the completion of a program
of study listed in this section of the catalog, are planning
to enter a chosen career at the semi–professional level. The
associate in science (A.S.) degree program may also articulate into
the bachelor’s degree in a related field of study at a state public
university based on specific program articulation agreements.
Associate in applied science (A.A.S.) degrees are available
in some programs, and provide the same career preparation as
associate in science degrees. Associate in applied science programs
are not designed to transfer to a four–year institution, but
may articulate under special agreements between the College and
the university system. For individuals wishing to spend less
than two years in career preparation, technical certificate programs
are also available in several areas.
The program manager or program
chairperson with the approval of the dean of instruction may
prescribe deficiency courses, which are necessary for successful
completion of the associate in science degree. If students
are veterans, a copy of the recommendation must be submitted
to the Florida Community College Veterans Affairs Office for
certification completion.
The program manager or program chairperson
with the approval of the dean of instruction may approve another
elective or professional course not listed as an approved elective
in the associate in science or associate in applied science
degree curriculum, which will apply toward associate in science
or associate in applied science degree completion. If students
are veterans, it is necessary that such course substitution be
submitted to the Veterans Affairs Office for certification completion.
A record of the approval will be maintained in their file.
Program Location
Not all of the career and technical education A.S. or A.A.S. degree programs are available at each of the College’s four campuses. However, the General Education Requirements and many of the elective, professional and other required courses are available at all campuses as well as at selected off–campus centers and sites.
Graduation Requirements
In order to be awarded the associate in science or associate in applied science degree, students must have met the following requirements:
- Earned a cumulative grade point average of 2.0 (C) at Florida Community College in courses eligible toward the associate in science or applied science degree programs (A.S. Florida Community College GPA or A.A.S. Florida Community College GPA).
- Earned an all–college cumulative grade point average of 2.0 (C) on all courses attempted, including transferred credits. (All college cumulative).
- Completed at least 25 percent of credit semester hours required for the degree at Florida Community College.
- Completed a minimum of 60 semester hours, as specified by the degree, of which a minimum of 15 semester hours must be General Education requirements.
- Earned a grade
of at least a “C” in each course
used to satisfy the General Education Requirements.
- Can demonstrate
mastery of the Information Literacy Assessment (effective
for students entering fall term 2005). Refer to assessment
section for more details.
- Graduation dates will be the date at the end of the college term in which the students complete the academic requirements for the degree or certificate for which students are applicants. (The removal of an incomplete grade does not affect students’ graduation dates, since the grade change is effective as of the end of the term in which the incomplete grade was assigned rather than the term in which the incomplete work was made up.)
- If students expect to complete the coursework
under the terms of the catalog in effect during the term of
their first registration, they must graduate within five years
or they will need to be reassigned to an active catalog. Accordingly,
students who enter under this catalog (2006/2007) must graduate
by the end of the Summer Term 2011, or they will automatically
be reassigned to the 2010/2011 catalog requirements. Changes
to requirements as mandated by law or by rule of the Florida
Community College District Board of Trustees may supersede
this provision.
- The General Education
Requirements may be taken on any Florida Community College
campus or center.
- Many courses in this catalog have prerequisite and/or corequisite courses which are listed in the course descriptions. Students are advised to be guided by these requirements.
- Students who place into college preparatory
courses are required to complete designated college preparatory
courses with a grade of “C” or better regardless of program
of study.
- Students enrolling in associate in applied science programs must pass all sections of the placement test before award of an A.A.S. degree, regardless of the degree program’s general education requirements.
- Degree–seeking students whose native language is not English, who fall below a designated cutoff score on the English as a second language (ESL) entry placement test, will be required to take ESL courses with EAP prefix prior to registering for other college credit classes. The level of these courses will be determined by the entry placement scores. Individual exceptions will be determined by the ESL program manager.
Degree–seeking students identified as non–native speakers
must take an English as a second language (ESL) placement
test prior to taking the College’s standard course placement
test. Students who place into ESL, as determined by the test,
must complete ESL courses before registering for other college
credit classes. Non–degree seeking college credit students
who plan to take English or reading courses must also meet
these requirements. Exceptions to these requirements can
be made by the ESL program manager or designee.
General Education Requirements
1. |
The general education core for the associate
in science and associate in applied science degrees consists
of a minimum of 15 semester hours of course work in these
broad discipline areas:
Social and Behavioral Sciences
Natural Sciences |
2. |
The general education requirements for all associate in
science and associate in applied science degree programs
consist of a minimum of 3 semester hours in each of the following
discipline areas:
Communication Category A
Social and Behavioral Sciences |
3. |
The remaining 3 semester hours of general
education requirements are specified in each associate
in science and associate in applied science degree’s
program of study from the following discipline areas:
Communication Category B
Social and Behavioral Sciences
Natural Sciences
I. Communication
ENC 1101 |
English Composition I (3 cr.) |
ENC 1102 |
Writing About Non–Fiction
(3 cr.) |
LIT 2000 |
Introduction to Literature: Writing About Fiction (3 cr.) |
SPC 2016 |
Speech Communication for Business and the
Professions (3 cr.) |
SPC 2040 |
Introduction to Speech Communication (3 cr.) |
SPC 2600 |
Fundamentals of Public Speaking(3 cr.) |
II. Humanities
HUM 2020 |
Humanities Forum (3 cr.) |
HUM 2210 |
Humanities: The Foundations (3 cr.) |
HUM 2230 |
Humanities: Mainstreams of Cultures, 15th to 20th Century
(3 cr.) |
HUM 2250 |
Humanities: Modern/Post–Modern Perspectives (3 cr.) |
HUM 2410 |
Humanities of Asia (3 cr.) |
HUM 2450 |
Humanities in the Americas (3 cr.) |
AML 2010 |
American Literature: Colonial Times to 1900 (3 cr.) |
AML 2020 |
American Literature: 1900 to Present (3 cr.) |
ARH 1000 |
Art Appreciation (3 cr.) |
ARH 2050 |
Art History I (3 cr.) |
ARH 2051 |
Art History II (3 cr.) |
ENL 2012 |
English Literature to 1750 (3 cr.) |
ENL 2022 |
English Literature Since 1750 (3 cr.) |
ENG 1100 |
Introduction to Film (3 cr.) |
HUM 2472 |
Intercultural Explorations (3 cr.) |
LIT 2100 |
Great Ideas in World Literature (3 cr.) |
MUL 1010 |
Music Appreciation (3 cr.) |
PHI 2010 |
Introduction to Philosophy (3 cr.) |
REL 2000 |
Introduction to Religion (3 cr.) |
REL 2300 |
World Religions (3 cr.) |
THE 2000 |
Theatre Appreciation (3 cr.) |
PHI 2600 |
Moral and Political Philosophy (3 cr.) |
III. Mathematics
*MAT 1033 |
Intermediate Algebra (3 cr.) |
MAC 1105 |
College Algebra (3 cr.) |
MAC 1140 |
Precalculus Algebra (4 cr.) |
MAC 1114 |
College Trigonometry (3 cr.) |
MAC 1147 |
Precalculus Algebra and Trigonometry (5 cr.) |
MGF 1106 |
Mathematics for Liberal Arts I (3 cr.) |
STA 2023 |
Elementary Statistics (3 cr.) |
*May not be used to fulfill the general education
requirements for the associate in science degree.
IV. Natural Sciences
BSC 1005 |
Life in Its Biological Environment (3 cr.) |
BSC 2085C |
Human Anatomy and Physiology I (4 cr.) |
BSC 2086C |
Human Anatomy and Physiology II (4 cr.) |
BSC 2010C |
Principles of Biology I (4 cr.) |
BSC 2020C |
Human Biology (4 cr.) |
MCB 2010C |
Microbiology (4 cr.) |
Physical Sciences:
CHM 1020 |
Chemistry for Liberal Arts (3 cr.) |
CHM 1025C |
Introduction to General Chemistry (4 cr.) |
CHM 1032C |
Principles of General Chemistry (4 cr.) |
CHM 2045C |
General Chemistry and Qualitative Analysis I (4 cr.) |
CHM 2046C |
General Chemistry and Qualitative Analysis II (4 cr.) |
PHY 1020C |
Physics for the Liberal Arts with Laboratory (3 cr.) |
PHY 2053C |
General Physics I (4 cr.) |
IV. Social
and Behavioral Sciences
DEP 2004 |
Human Growth and Development (3 cr.) |
ECO 2013 |
Principles of Economics I (3 cr.) |
GEA 1000 |
World Regional Geography (3 cr.) |
PSY 1012 |
General Psychology (3 cr.) |
INP 1390 |
Human Relations in Business and Industry (3 cr.) |
SYG 2000 |
Introductory Sociology (3 cr.) |
Selective Access Programs
Dental hygiene, emergency medical services
(EMS) technology, emergency medical technology (EMT), health
information management, histotechnology, human services (addictions
specialization), medical coder/biller, medical laboratory technology,
nursing, paramedic, physical therapist assistant, radiation therapy
and respiratory therapy programs are selective access programs
and have special selection and admission criteria and procedures
which may be obtained from the program office as listed in this
University Transfer
Students who intend to transfer to a state
university upper division upon receipt of the associate in applied
science degree must satisfy certain additional requirements before
being accepted for transfer. These requirements do not affect
the award of the associate in applied science (A.A.S.) degree
by Florida Community College but do affect the ability of the
senior institution to accept students with the A.A.S. degree.
with A.S. or A.A.S. degrees who plan to transfer to a state
university should contact a counselor to determine any additional
requirements necessary for transferring.
Co–operative Learning and/or Internship Opportunities Programs
All associate in
science, associate in applied science and some certificate programs
at Florida Community College require a co–op/internship experience
as part of the program of study.
Preparing students
for the workplace is the goal of the associate in science and
the associate in applied science degree programs at Florida
Community College. Not only must students complete degree and
certificate programs having mastered occupational skills, but
they must also have the interpersonal skills that allow them
to contribute and be productive and successful in the workplace.
The Co–op and Internship Opportunities Programs allow the student
a chance to practice their occupational skills while earning
credit towards their degree or certificate.
The internship,
which provides the student with real experience in their
chosen field of specialization, is an important component in
all technical degree programs. Upon completion of these programs,
the College is certifying that the student can perform certain
job–related skills.
Such certification is not possible unless the student has performed
in some type of work environment.
- to gain practical work experience
- to gain insight into the daily functioning of the workplace
- to gain knowledge and understanding of interpersonal dynamics
- to apply the skills and knowledge learned in the classroom
- to exercise ethical responsibilities expected of company personnel
- to personally evaluate these experiences
- to expose the student to the processes involved in acquiring a
The College does not guarantee employment. Selection of a particular student
to fill a job is at the sole discretion of the employer and not within
the control of the College. This means the College or any of its representatives
cannot guarantee a paid or unpaid co–op/internship placement.