Frequently Asked Questions and Answers
Most Commonly Asked Questions
No, check with the campus enrollment services office to update
your records and prepare for registration.
FCCJ offers three kinds of college credit degrees for degree seeking
students - the associate in arts (A.A.), the associate in science
(A.S.) and associate in applied science (A.A.S.). Students who
want to transfer to a four-year college or university pursue an
AA degree. Students who want to obtain a degree in a specified
area of expertise pursue an AS or A.A.S. degree. Non-degree seeking
students are not trying to earn a degree. They may be taking classes
for work advancement, to transfer credit back to another college
or for personal enrichment.
Have them sent to: Florida Community College, Student Records
Office, 501 W. State St., Jacksonville, FL 32202-4030.
The easiest way to request a transcript for another academic institution
is to do so online at Artemis.
Transcripts can also be requested by faxing your request to 904.633.8304
and including your signature, social security number (or student
ID number), and the address where you want the transcript sent.
Or place your request, in person, at your nearest campus Enrollment
Services office.
Financial Aid
Contact the enrollment services office on the campus you plan
to attend.
Yes, contact the enrollment services office on the campus you
plan to attend.
Refer to the dates listed in the class schedule (available in
the campus enrollment services office).
It's not a problem, if it's your first term enrolling. But if
they are not received by the end of the term, you cannot register
for subsequent terms. In this case, you will be notified and will
need to continue to follow-up until all of your transcripts have
been received. You may not qualify for financial aid, however,
until all transcripts are received and evaluated.
You may register for any class at any campus; you can also do
this online or by Touch-Tone telephone. (See the special section
in the class schedule.)
Refer to the class schedule or check with the campus enrollment
services office.
Refer to the College calendar listed in the catalog.
You may pick one up at any campus enrollment services office or
call 904.646.2300.
Distance Learning
Distance learning includes courses which you take online and courses
which you take via cable television.
Register online, on campus or on the phone.
Textbooks are available at any campus bookstore.
Most online classes feature exams online, as well. Telecourses
and some online classes require you to come to campus for testing.
Details will be covered by your instructor.
If you miss viewing them at their regularly scheduled time on
cable TV, you can view them at the learning resources center on
any campus.
You must live in Florida 12 consecutive months prior to the first
day of classes to qualify as a resident.
If your spouse is stationed in Florida on active duty, you and
your dependents qualify for instate tuition.
Drops and Cancellations
The easiest way to drop a class is online. You may also drop courses
on campus or by Touch-tone phone. All drops must be completed
by the drop deadline.
You will receive your refund within four to six weeks. Checks
are not processed until after the drop deadline. If you paid with
a charge card, your card will be credited, otherwise you will
receive a check.
Refer to the College calendar listed in the catalog.
Refunds are mailed automatically unless you register for another
class in its place.
Books vary in price, but $25 per credit hour is a good benchmark.
This varies from term to term; check with the bookstore.
Parking is included with your tuition.
Contact a counselor or adviser within the campus student success
office. They are specially trained to answer such questions and
to help you obtain the assistance you need.
Students completing college credit and work force development
programs should apply for graduation at the beginning of the term
in which they will complete the program requirements.