College Credit Courses
Prerequisites: FAA student pilot certificate and FAA Class III medical certificate. This introductory level course is the first course in the students flight training. It introduces the student to the airplane, preflight and ground operations of the airplane, basic airmanship including primary flight maneuvers, normal and maximum aircraft performance, takeoff and landing techniques, and emergency procedures. The student will also learn about human factors in flight, radio communications techniques, operating procedures in different airspaces, various methods of navigation, flight away from the airport environment (cross country flight), and other factors of concern to the aviator. Training will include both day and night flights. The course requirements are met when the FAA issues the student his or her Private Pilot Certificate with Airplane Single-Engine Land Rating. Florida Community College at Jacksonville provides the flight instruction through a college contracted flight school. Six contact hours: Description: three lecture hours, three laboratory hours. (CBE) A.S., A.A.S.